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English Department


The English Curriculum at KS3 is broad and balanced. In English Language the Curriculum follows the study of a variety of different writers from the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries. Students learn to read and analyse a selection of different articles, letters, speeches, reviews, novels, short stories, plays and poems in order to introduce them to a knowledge rich curriculum. Additionally, students learn how to assess characters and write their own character essays, diary entries, story and letter writing under the umbrella of their thematic topic. They are furthermore introduced to important factors at the time such as religion, the class system and rich and poor. In addition, they compose speeches that they perform in various oracy based activities such as character performance, debates and school assemblies and competitions such as the ESU Competition.

The English Curriculum at KS4 GCSE is comprehensive and well balanced leading to the GCSE Eduqas English Language qualification. In English Language the curriculum follows the study of a selection of different writers from the 19th and 20th Century. Students learn to read a range of different articles and texts in order to retrieve information from them and to analyse language. Skills such as: critical reading, comprehension, summary and synthesis, evaluation of a writer’s choice of vocabulary, producing clear and coherent text and writing for impact, will be taught. Students also learn how to write their own Creative Prose (narrative writing), compose speeches that they perform in the Spoken Language Unit and to write a variety of Transactional Tasks such as: letters, articles, talks and reviews.

Introduction: At Madani we aim to give students a clear understanding of the importance of written and spoken language – and be exposed to a variety of different reading material such as: articles, letters, speeches, reviews etc. from the 19th, 20th and 21st century. Students will have a clear focus on how writers set the scene - build atmosphere, create settings and develop characters and apply this to their own narrative/story writing. Students will understand that the historic context that a short story or article is written in can affect it and how students can be aware of and relate to that. Students will recognise that the values of people in the past were different from those of today considering that they were living in a different society; this is particularly important when reading Victorian texts. Also, students will recognise how the values of writers from different cultural heritages put across their ideas. Additionally, Students will be aware of the importance of female writers and their contribution to language. Pupils will be exposed to key themes such as: modes of transport, food waste, mining, and natural disasters. Moreover, students will be exposed to different aspects that influence writers and the diversity of experience – e.g. war, monarchs (Queen Victoria, King George), power, religious change (Catholicism/Protestantism), social history (Feminism, Women’s Rights) politics (Capitalism vs Socialism). Finally, students will be equipped to engage with scholarship in English Language and develop an enthusiasm for the subject. Also, they be prepared with the skills necessary to access the curriculum.

March 2025


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