Starting Secondary School

Starting Secondary School

Starting secondary school is an important milestone in every child’s life. Therefore, it is important that you take the time to read the content of these web pages, which focuses on the procedures involved in transferring to a secondary school. It will guide you through what you should take into consideration when making your school preferences.

You can also find out further information by visiting the Leicester City Council Admissions website.

Open Evening

Thursday 12th October 2023 4-6pm.

How to apply

If your child is currently in Year 6 and due to start Secondary School (Year 7) in Autumn 2024, you will receive information for your child’s secondary transfer from the Admissions Team at the Local Authority. You will receive instructions on how to complete an online application form with Leicester City Council.

The schools participate in the Local Authority’s co-ordinated admission schemes for secondary transfer. All applications for places must be made directly to the applicant’s home authority on the appropriate Application Form as directed. (Online or Paper Form).

Parent/Carers who wish to apply under the criteria for faith based admission must in addition to completing the online application with Leicester City Council, complete the Madani Schools Federation's Supplemantary Information Form (SIF). This will enable the governors to consider your application under the faith-based admission criteria. The Supplemantary Information Form (SIF) must be completed by ALL APPLICANTS, even for those children who currently have a sibling attending Madani Schools Federation.

How to submit your application

The application process for Year 7 entry September 2024 will commence from Monday 4th September 2023 with the closing date being Tuesday 31st October 2023 (Leicester City Council). To complete your application with Leicester City Council please click here. If you are not a resident of Leicester City Council please apply through your home local authority. Applications received after the closing date will be considered LATE.

You will need to return the Supplementary Information Form (Found below) before the closing date of Tuesday 31st October 2023 at 4:00pm. Applications received after the closing date will be considered LATE. The Supplementary Information Form can be returned directly to the school office or by email to

The school reception is open 8.00am – 4.00pm Monday – Friday. Please note that the school reception will be closed for the October half term from Monday 16th October 2023 – Friday 20th October 2023.

Admission Arrangements 2024-25


To make an appeal for Madani Girls School, you will need to complete an online appeal form with Leicester City Council. Please click here for more information including the appeals timetable.

July 2024


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