Madani Schools Federation operates as two Voluntary Aided Schools, Madani Girls School and Madani Boys School. Both schools are significantly oversubscribed with demand increasing each year. We welcome pupils of all faiths and denominations from Year 7–11.

The schools participate in the Local Authority’s co-ordinated admission schemes for secondary transfer and in-year admissions. All applications for places must be made directly to the applicant’s home authority on the appropriate Common Application Form (CAF) or via the council online application portal. This process is administered via the Local Authority Admissions Team. You will also be required to complete a supplementary information form for Madani Girls School so that the Admissions authority can also consider your application under the faith-based admission criteria.

Starting at secondary school is an important milestone in every child’s life. Therefore, it is important that you take the time to read the content of these web pages, which focuses on the procedures involved in transferring to a secondary school. It will guide you through what you should take into consideration when making your school preferences.

You can also find out further information by visiting the Leicester City Council Admissions website.

If you are interested in applying for a place at Madani Schools Federation for your child, please click here